Carbon & Greenhouse Gases Topics from the Northwest Hub Region
Understanding Northwest Forest Soil Carbon
The soil in Northwest forests can store carbon for centuries. However, climate change could affect the stability of forest soil carbon.
Soil Carbon in the Northwest
Soil carbon is important for improving soil health and mitigating climate change in the Northwest.
Understanding Forest Carbon
Forests play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by storing carbon dioxide in their biomass and soil.
Using Woody Biomass for Fuel and Energy in the Northwest
Leftover wood from harvest and fuel treatments can be a sustainable source of energy in the Northwest.
Agricultural Biomass for Biofuel
Biofuels created from food waste and non-food crops in the Northwest have the potential to support sustainable forms of energy.
Biofuel Production
A description of the various processes to make biofuel and the type of fuel each process makes.
Biomass Energy in the Northwest
Biomass energy, or energy made from plant and animal products, is a source of renewable energy. It reduces our reliance on fossil fuels (mainly oil, gas, and coal), preventing the release of carbon…
Biochar can be used to improve soil health, store carbon, and rehabilitate polluted soil on farms, rangelands, forests, and reclaimed sites.